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Warpath Baseball 2025

North Hills Warpath Baseball typically starts mid-June and continues throughout the entire month of July. NHAA also encourages their Warpath teams to explore other tournaments that may be offered in the Spring or Fall, provided they do not interfere with the NHAA Regular Season.

The North Hills Warpath is offered to both boys and girls from the age 7-18, and the NHAA is committed to fielding as many teams as player skill/ability and interest allows. If there are multiple teams at a specific age level, they will be formed according to skill level.

  • Player Selection: Once the Warpath Player Applications in, they are reviewed by the NHAA Regular Season Team Managers for that particular age group, and they players are selected by several rounds of voting. The selection is based on several criteria including:
The player's play during during the regular season, through evaluations, their attitude, behavior, and sportsmanship.
Their attendance during the regular season and past tournament seasons are also factored in.
  • To ensure the teams are picked fairly and the right kids are chosen, the Managers are not permitted to vote for their own child nor any child on their team. They can promote their opinion of their players, but are not permitted to vote for them.
  • Manager Selection: Once the Warpath rosters are selected, the Board evaluates all applications of potential Managers, and then votes. The Manager is selected after the team to ensure fairness. The NHAA reserves the right to hold an additional player evaluation if necessary.

The NH Warpath requires a strong travel and time commitment by both the parent and player. Players must be willing to commit to additional practices and game schedules throughout the summer. It is not uncommon to play/practice every day during the week and multiple games per day over the weekend.

The NHAA commits to paying the entry fee for ONE tournament per each selected Warpath team. Any additional fees, including uniforms, are shared among the selected parents of the team.

Warpath 13

Registration closes on 09/30/2024 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 09/01/2024 to 08/31/2025
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